Home Fragrance

Home Fragrance

Impress your guests with one of our beautifully scented home fragrances. These candles, diffusers, and oils can transform your home into a paradise of smells. Relaxing lavender? Refreshing citrus? Spicy cinnamon? the combinations are endless! Find your perfect scent and let the captivating fragrances do the work for you.
Shop Home Fragrance at The Reject Shop

Elevate your living space with an inviting atmosphere through our delightful home fragrance collection at The Reject Shop. We offer a wide variety of affordable scented candles, diffusers, and room sprays, allowing you to customise your space with enticing aromas. From soothing lavender to fresh citrus, our range caters to all preferences, making it easy to infuse your home with your favourite seasonal scents without straining your budget.