Birthday Cards

Hip hip hooray! Make every birthday occasion a special one with a thoughtful birthday card. You’ll find something for every age and style in our range, from classic messages of love to cheeky jokes, as well as a range of relationships including grandparents, children, parents, nieces and nephews.
Shop Birthday Cards at the Reject Shop

A birthday isn’t complete without a birthday card. So while you’re sure to remember the ice cream and cake, don’t forget to stop by The Reject Shop and browse our range of birthday cards. Such a simple gesture, birthday cards leave a large impact and no birthday is quite complete without them. 20 years from now we may not remember the gifts we received, but we will probably have all our old birthday cards complete with heartfelt handwritten notes scrawled inside them. This is why we carry a wide range of great cards to make every birthday special. Make every birthday a celebration with a cute, funny, or thoughtful birthday card from The Reject Shop.