The Reject Shop Limited is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance. The Company supports the intent and purpose of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles and Recommendations and currently complies with the requirements of the 4th Edition.

Key Corporate Governance Documents

  1. Constitution
  2. Appendix 4E & Annual Report
  3. Appendix 4G & Corporate Governance Statement


  1. Board Charter
  2. People & Culture Committee Charter
  3. Audit & Risk Committee Charter

Corporate Governance Policies

  1. Continuous Disclosure and External Communications Policy
  2. Ethical Sourcing Policy
  3. Whistleblowing Policy
  4. Share Trading Policy
  5. TRS Code of Conduct
  6. Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
  7. Modern Slavery Policy

Related Material

  1. Workplace Gender Equality Report
  2. Diversity & Inclusion Policy and Procedure
  3. Workplace Profile Corporate Group - Public Report
  4. Workforce Statistics Corporate Group - Public Report